Inside Aloe

Inside Aloe Online is the Official Newsletter of the International Aloe Science Council. Published every 3 months, it provides information on recent articles of interest, scientific studies and more!

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Inside Aloe Advertising Information

Below are ad rates, technical details and deadlines for advertising in the Inside Aloe Online, published quarterly. If you have any questions or wish to reserve space, please contact Jane Wilson at 734-476-9690 or email


  • 1/4 page: $100 per issue (members), $200 (non-members)
  • 1/2 page: $200 per issue (members), $400 (non-members)
  • Full page: $400 per issue (members), $600 (non-members)


  • 1/4 page vertical: 3.6 inches wide x 4.5 inches tall
  • 1/4 page horizontal: 7.5 inches wide x 2.125 inches tall


  • 1/2 page vertical: 3.6 inches wide x 9.4 inches tall
  • 1/2 page horizontal: 7.5 inches wide x 4.5 inches tall


  • Full page: 7.5 inches wide x 9.4 inches tall

Ads are full color. We prefer the file size to be 500 kb or under.

Preferred format:

Either a .pdf file, an .eps file with all fonts converted to curves, a .tif or a .jpg file. Please do not include a bleed or crop area.
If your ad is text with a company logo, simply email the text as a Word document and the logo as an .eps or .tif.
We'll build your ad and send it for your approval.


Reserve space 2 months prior to publication.
Materials must be sent to IASC by the 1st of the month prior to publication.